Aug 30 2023 01:40 PM
I have previously created KQL queries for ingestion time transformation and was filtering out certain event ids and few other logs (e.g. | where not(EventID == 4799 and CallerProcessName contains "C:\\Program Files\\Qualys\\QualysAgent\\QualysAgent.exe") ) .
Now I have almost 80+ filtering KQL queries which I have applied on securityEvent table to filter out specific logs.
I have shifted my servers from MMA agent to AMA agent and AMA agent has its down DCR and my existing ingestion time transformation won't work now. I need to create xpath queries in new DCR.
Is there anyway I can convert all of the existing ingestion time transformation applied KQLs (example already mentioned above)?
Do I need to create separate DCRs for AMA to filterout specific events which are 80+?
Sep 04 2023 12:10 AM