Purview Data Lifecycle/Records Management Steps

Brass Contributor


I have used Purview Information Protection many times.

We typically use both the Cloud and on-premises Information Protection tools to first do a Discovery of the data. Then using these tools we Classify and Label the data.


Now, we are looking to use the Purview Data Lifecycle/Record Management.

Does it follow the same process?

Do we first Discover the data? Is there a 'discovery' option in Purview Data Lifecycle/Record Management? Could we get a report, before any classification/labeling takes place? Or do we use the 'discovery' tools in Purview Information Protection still?


Once the 'discovery' is done, I assume we have to use the Purview Data Lifecycle/Record Management tools to create and apply the labels - as these are different labels to Purview Information Protection, correct?


So, could we, just using the Purview Data Lifecycle/Record Management tools do 'Discovery', then 'Classification' and then 'Labeling' of data?


Thank you,


5 Replies

Hi @ShimKwan,

Yes, Purview Data Lifecycle/Record Management (DLM/RM) follows the same general process as Purview Information Protection (IP):

  1. Discovery: Identify and locate all of the data in your organization, regardless of where it is stored.
  2. Classification: Determine the sensitivity and business value of the data.
  3. Labeling: Apply labels to the data to indicate its sensitivity and business value.
  4. Protection: Protect the data according to its labels.
  5. Retention: Retain the data for the required period of time, and then dispose of it properly.


There is a discovery option in Purview DLM/RM. You can use the Purview compliance portal to scan your Microsoft 365 and on-premises data for records. You can also use the Purview data catalog to discover data across your entire hybrid and multi-cloud environment.

To get a report of the data that is discovered, you can use the Purview compliance portal. You can generate reports on the type of data that is discovered, the sensitivity of the data, and the location of the data.

You can use the discovery tools in Purview IP to discover data, but you will also need to use the discovery tools in Purview DLM/RM to discover records.

Classification and Labeling

Once you have discovered the data, you need to classify it and apply labels. You can use the Purview compliance portal to classify and label data in Microsoft 365 and on-premises. You can also use the Purview data catalog to classify and label data across your entire hybrid and multi-cloud environment.

The labels that are used in Purview DLM/RM are different from the labels that are used in Purview IP. The labels in Purview DLM/RM are used to manage the lifecycle of records, while the labels in Purview IP are used to protect data.

Can I use Purview DLM/RM to do Discovery, Classification, and Labeling?

Yes, you can use Purview DLM/RM to do discovery, classification, and labeling. The Purview compliance portal and the Purview data catalog provide a unified view of your data, and allow you to manage the lifecycle of your data across your entire hybrid and multi-cloud environment.

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Leon Pavesic

HI @LeonPavesic,

Thank you for your concise reply - much appreciated.

Just have a followup question, based on your comment:
"You can use the discovery tools in Purview IP to discover data, but you will also need to use the discovery tools in Purview DLM/RM to discover records."

- I am familiar with the Purview IP discovery tools (both the on-prem tool (AIPScanner) and the Cloud scanner
- However, I am not familiar with the Purview DLM/RM discovery tools - where are these? Are they in the Compliance Portal? Do you perhaps have a link to an article or a screenshot of where these discovery tools are? Basically, how do I start a Purview DLM/RM discovery?

Thank you,

Hi @ShimKwan,

thanks for the update.

Purview DLM/RM discovery tools are in Compliance (Purview) Center, here is a very detailed and a usefull blog article you can use:

Training | Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle and Records Management

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Kindest regards,

Leon Pavesic

Hi @LeonPavesic,

Thank you for that great link.
I have reviewed its contents, but unfortunately still cannot locate the answer to my question.

MS Purview Information Protection documentation is very clear on how to DISCOVER your data on-prem and Cloud:
1. Open Microsoft Purview compliance portal > Data classification > Content explorer - shows us the Sensitive Information Types found across Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/purview/data-classification-content-explorer#content-explorer)
2. The on-premises AIP Scanner DISCOVERY is also clearly documented: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/purview/deploy-scanner

But I still cannot find information on how to actually do DISCOVERY for Purview DLM/RM - can you please send me the exact link or steps on how to perform this? All the online Purview DLM/RM documentation goes straight into Data Retention and Labeling, and says nothing about data DISCOVERY (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/purview/manage-data-governance).

Please could you help.

Thank you,



OR does Purview DLM/RM actually rely on the following for Data Discovery (as opposed to having its own Discovery method?):

1. Open Microsoft Purview compliance portal > Data classification > Content explorer

2. The on-premises AIP Scanner

@LeonPavesic  "regardless of where it is stored" - I disagree with this. How is on-prem data covered when retention policies can be applied to:

  • Exchange mailboxes
  • SharePoint sites or SharePoint classic and communication sites
  • OneDrive accounts
  • Microsoft 365 Group mailboxes & sites
  • Skype for Business
  • Exchange public folders
  • Teams channel messages
  • Teams chats and Copilot interactions
  • Teams private channel messages
  • Viva Engage community messages
  • Viva Engage user messages