Obsolete Object in Microsoft Intune and Unable to Delete it.

Iron Contributor


Hi All,


We have a old record in our Microsoft Portal which we can delete it using portal and PowerShell. both scenarios it says "Object not found". when I click the object on portal, it says object not found. we have a clean up rule setup which is 90 days and the device hasn't deleted from the portal from the rule too. 


Appreciate anyone's help to clear this object from our portal?










What else that I can try before escalate the issue with Microsoft support? 




2 Replies
Is this device present as Autopilot device? If so can you first delete the Autopilot record and after this try to delete the device again.
No, It is not present device. we don't have a record for this device in Autopilot assigned devices. Even we don't have a record in Azure AD as well. Only this record exist in Intune Portal.