Autopilot Hybrid Domain Join error 0x87d10800

Copper Contributor

Hi Guys,


I hope you are all well.


So - currently I am working on Autopilot enrollment setup for my organization. Since yesterday's issues with Azure, related to network infrastructure in Western Europe, my devices are not joining to on-premise AD. When I check status under HADJ Configuration Profile I see 0x87d10800 error for both devices. Intune connector is in "Ready" state. In event viewer for machine where ODJConnector is installed I can't see any messages since yesterday (in Admin node).


Any thoughts?


Thanks for advice and best regards,


4 Replies

@DamianL1984 what name prefix are you using ? its contains for example special characters such as %serial% ? 


nope - it is just simple: AGBPB

I will try to cleanup objects in Intune/AAD and recreate VMs - will see if that helps.



double check also the Distinguish name of the OU where your VMs computer object will be created one joined to the domain



Yep - I had this configured in that way. As I mentioned it worked perfectly till network issues from last week.

Unfortunately nothing helped. From time to time some VMs will be added to on-premise domain but in overall it doesn't work.

I will create a ticket with MS to get this sorted out.