Microsoft Bookings - Blocking off time

Copper Contributor

We have a team in our company that is planning on setting aside 2-3 weeks for premium support for particular clients. Every weekday for those 2-3 weeks, they want to block off timeslots of 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM for those particular clients to be able to book time with team members to discuss product innovations and customer care issues. 


Is there a best practice within Microsoft Bookings (or any best practices in general) to allow for this? 

2 Replies



Hello, think I worked this out today!


Block the time out in your diary as you would normally.

Go into your meeting option/settings

Find where it lets set your time as 'free/busy/tenative/out of office' etc 

Set it to 'free'


It will still show a hold in your diary, but won't show up as a conflict to your booking page so will let people book slots during your blocked-out times.


Hope that made sense



Hi, I'm looking for the same solution. 
Not sure if this actually solves the problem, as other colleagues won't see "blocked" time slots that are set to "free". So they will book during these times anyway, right?
I would also like to block time in my calendar so that only people who have a bookings link can book time with me during those times. 

