Can't book specific dates?

Copper Contributor

Hi Folks, I'm 100% new to bookings but need urgent help as we have created a booking page for COVID testing!


I have setup the booking page and all the options, and I've added a service (It would not allow me to select multiple slots but found a work around to enable the drop down (however this then ONLY allows selections of 2 or more?)

HOWEVER I've created the service and allocated staff etc, but even though we have a custom schedule set we can't book appointments on the first two days when it shows as being available to book? the booking page just shows no appointments available?

Is there an option of a start date somewhere?

The lead time is set to 1 day

All and any help appreciated


1 Reply

@K bad form to reply to my own post BUT I think I fixed the issue!


Go to STAFF and edit each one and untick "Events on calendar affect availability"
