Mar 30 2022 10:10 AM
When my staff take vacation, I ask them to book it in their calendars as full-day events and invite me, and I accept as "tentative" just to have that visible block telling me who is out of the office at a glance. Is there a way to have Bookings ignore tentative blocks? I know it means a slight risk of people double-booking in Bookings, but that's not an anticipated issue for me.
Apr 04 2022 06:35 AM
Apr 12 2022 02:21 PM
@MattShepherd I have the opposite problem. My bookings page is completely ignoring entries that are in my primary Outlook calendar or from a different Bookings service. I can't figure it out for the life of me.
Bookings constantly shows times available that have other things already scheduled in them... I'm at a loss.
Apr 13 2022 01:29 AM
Apr 13 2022 10:40 AM
Jan 29 2024 05:28 AM
Jan 30 2024 09:15 AM
@brandiwoodson I like that tentative is seen as busy, but it depends how you use your calendar. You could try accepting a meeting as tentative and then changing "Show as" and set it to free, that should make that slot bookable.
Jan 30 2024 09:41 AM
@johncoast understood and that's what i had to do for an upcoming migration project we have starting. However, doesn't change my opinion that this should be a setting feature per booking created where the admin can control how tentative needs to show in the booking tool.
Mar 27 2024 07:52 AM
@brandiwoodson I agree. Different users will treat "tentative" as more or less of a commitment, so the ability to tell Bookings to treat those blocks as busy or available would be helpful.