Calander not showing all bookings - random

Copper Contributor

The latest issue we have now had.  If I open and look at the Calander in Bookings I don't see all the bookings. it doesn't matter if it is myself or another staff member. It's random which bookings are visible or not. We can see the bookings in the Outlook Calander. This is happening to multiple staff across different browsers, computers and Bookings. This is extremely frustrating when reviewing the bookings across the Calander or when needing to update a booking on behalf of a client. 


Now our receptionist can't see any of the bookings at all to check clients in. 


Screenshots attached for today bookings Calander and Outlook showing the missing appointments 


We still can't see client names on the booking on Outlook either. 


And we still occasionally get availabilities appearing on the booking page that shouldn't be. 

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