Bookings TSV export now requires start and end date selection

Copper Contributor

Seems the TSV-export functionality received an update.

In the past, when clicking on the link the downloaded "BookingsReportingData.tsv" file provided 120 days of reservations, of which 60 in the past and 60 in the future.

This behaviour changed Friday afternoon February 19th CET.

Now users are required to make a start and end date selection prior to download. Also after closing and reopening the browser the date selection defaults to end date today.

Now we have the change the instructions for our staff, as in the past they just needed to download the BookingsReportingData.tsv. Then they openend an Excel-file which ran a power query on the imported data and provided them with a printer friendly report.

Now, staff has to take care they enter the correct date selection in the future or their report will be empty.

Apologies, screenshot in Dutch language:


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More changes to BookingsReportingData.tsv reported here New columns added in Bookings TSV-export