Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Dec 21, 2020

Bing Santa and Chirstms, and Bing Santa Tracker



I just noticed that Bing has done the same thing with animal fact sheets with Christmas and Santa Claus. I wonder what is next. 


Also, Bing is still doing Nord Santa Tracker!! AWESOEM!!


  • This is in testing though. I am very sad this isn't rolling out to eveyrone. Santa Tracker is everyone though. Just not the fact sheets
    • Alyxe's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hey Deleted, this Santa Tracker will show up with more frequency when Santa starts his Journey this year.


      Alyxandria (she/her)
      Community Manager - Bing Insiders

      • Deleted's avatar
        It Dosent work on mobile either
