Microsoft Releases Cmdlet to Retrieve Disposition Review Items



The Get-ReviewItems cmdlet (in the Exchange Online management module) is available to export details about disposition review items in either a pending or disposed state. It’s possible that you don’t care very much about records management, retention labels, or disposition processing, but if you do, you’ll be glad that the new cmdlet exists.

9 Replies
Thanks for letting us know...

But Get-ReviewItems cmdlet is available only in the cloud-based service.
How can we use this cmdlet.

Any help or directions would be appreciated, solution is also appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Disposition reviews are only available in the cloud, so you need to be in the cloud to use them.
Thank you..

Could you please provide me some reference from where I can get implementation example.
It would be great help.
Thanks in advance
See the original article...

Gone through the article.

When implementing this on Azure automation runbook getting the below error --
System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-ReviewItems' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,


Note- Imported the Exchange Online management module through browse gallery.

Kindly help me in this.


Thanks in advance.

The Get-ReviewItems cmdlet is in the Exchange Online module (V3.2)

get-command Get-ReviewItems

CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Get-ReviewItems 0.0.1 tmpEXO_xc15yfcv.jl0

Hi @TonyRedmond 

Below are screenshots for the ref only which I have taken on runbook and local.

Used "connect-exchangeonline"  for connection and it successfully work.


But in case of "Get-ReviewItems" it is still giving error.




Please take a look and provide me direction in this.



I don't work for Microsoft and can't access your tenant, so I would file a support case and ask Microsoft to have a look.
Thanks for the post Tony! This cmdlet is super useful for us at least, as we have multiple labels with more than 50k items pending for disposition, that often result in time-out errors! Although we would much prefer to have a Graph API for Disposition Management to handle disposition processing more programmatically. As the cmdlet only exports the items and the limits for approving disposals, relabeling or extending the retention period through the the Purview GUI are miniscule!