Jul 24, 2023Steel Contributor
Outlook Monarch: Allow adding shared mailbox folders to Favorites
In the classic Outlook I can add Inbox folders of shared mailboxes to Favorites, easily detecting and accessing new emails sent to any of mailboxes I manage.
In the new Monarch Outlook, this is no longer possible as only my personal folders can be added to Favorites.
- lvaCopper Contributor
💥This is now rolling out: I have it in my Outlook (new) and it works:
- Erlend MoenIron Contributor
I can confirm that it works for me as well in (New) Outlook.
However - it's still missing on Outlook on Web (!).
- code_itCopper Contributor
it is unbelievable that we hat to vote for this one. W T F are u doing in Microsoft?
- Bill_T_Copper Contributor
You gotta love Microsoft... any other company would release a new product with new features and QOL improvements. Microsoft releases their products with less features than previous versions and drastic QOL reductions. Way to go.
- Dave_PurscellCopper Contributor
Have to give them credit, though. They always hide simple tasks (in a dialog box) behind more and more complex layers of menu -- eventually back to the original dialog box. You have to be extremely creative to make simple things that complex. :D
- Erlend MoenIron Contributor
It looks like there is light in the tunnel: Bill_T_Copper Contributor
They've been pushing that go live date back for the last year... at this point I won't believe until AFTER its been rolled out.
- CanadianRedFoxCopper Contributor
I’ll believe it when I see it. I would love for this to happen but they also claimed it was rolling out in November and have been promising this feature for over 2 years. 😅
- mlapierreCopper Contributor
Yesterday I warn our users that MS will start to push the "new" outlook in the next few weeks. So I suggest them to explore it, but already 4 users asked me how to add their shared mailboxes to favorites. Just googling it, and I see people complaning about it since the first build of that "new" Outlook. How MS did not fix that largely used feature is a mystery or...provocation on a monopolistic position?
- shillCopper Contributor
State governments use resource accounts shared with others. I can't efficiently monitor 5 resource accounts with the new Outlook and switched back to the old. Outlook is already terrible without the ability to label messages; it just gets worse! Hate using it.
- GaryHylandCopper Contributor
Yep, gonna have to keep the old Outlook around and use it for the shared mailboxes that I monitor until MS gets this in place.. Sigh.. Nice a quick though, so look forward to being able to fully cutover to it.
- JMaartenWCopper Contributor
uername465 ok thanks for letting me know so does that mean the registry fix mentioned in this forum works even for a clean install where the previous version was never installed?
When a user logs into with a MS 365 Business pro licence and installs the office apps they automatically get the new version of Outlook.
- Jason_GreenCopper Contributor
Going back to old outlook till this feature is available.
- MrNickIron Contributor
Another site today blocked from this update. This oversight is ridiculous.