Defrag Service throws errors since enabling VHD Disk Compaction

Copper Contributor

Hi there

Since we enabled the VHD Disk Compaction Feature of FSLogix two weeks ago, we sporadically receive the event log error 257 of the defrag service. (Using FSLogix 2.9.8440.42104 & Windows Server 2016)


Here is the original full message: 

Das Volume "Profile-<profilename>" wurde aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht optimiert: Für Bereiche, die kleiner als 8 MB sind, werden keine Bereichskonsolidierung und -analyse ausgeführt. (0x8900002D)


And here it is in english: 

The volume "Profile-<profilename>" was not optimized due to an error: Area consolidation and analysis are not performed for areas that are smaller than 8 MB. (0x8900002D)


The Disk Compaction does use the defrag Service to get Information of the Disks. 



I'm not familiar with the Windows Storage Classes API, but as I can interpret the message this could result to problems with the Disk Compaction. 


Anybody else getting this event? 

Should i expect problems? 

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