Jun 19 2023 07:22 AM
Hi there
Since we enabled the VHD Disk Compaction Feature of FSLogix two weeks ago, we sporadically receive the event log error 257 of the defrag service. (Using FSLogix 2.9.8440.42104 & Windows Server 2016)
Here is the original full message:
Das Volume "Profile-<profilename>" wurde aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht optimiert: Für Bereiche, die kleiner als 8 MB sind, werden keine Bereichskonsolidierung und -analyse ausgeführt. (0x8900002D)
And here it is in english:
The volume "Profile-<profilename>" was not optimized due to an error: Area consolidation and analysis are not performed for areas that are smaller than 8 MB. (0x8900002D)
The Disk Compaction does use the defrag Service to get Information of the Disks.
-> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fslogix/concepts-vhd-disk-compaction
I'm not familiar with the Windows Storage Classes API, but as I can interpret the message this could result to problems with the Disk Compaction.
Anybody else getting this event?
Should i expect problems?