In Outlook how to create common event Categorize for the whole organization

Copper Contributor


How to create event categories for calendar events to be selected by the user when creating a new event. Example

  • Needs analysis 
  • Demo 
  • Contract 
  • Renewal  


6 Replies

Hello !@Djeanthi2215 


Do you mean the color categories that you can add to emails and calendar events? 

If that is the case then yes you can deploy this to the whole organisation using GPO or Intune Configuration profiles. 


What you want to do is create a new reg key in the following path 

And the key you want to create will have these properties

Type: String
Name: newcategories

Value: The name of your categories separated by ";" See picture below for example



Now after I have done the above change in my registry, If i Look in Outlook at my categories in the calendar I can see these new categories. 


Is this what you were looking for? 

If that is the case, you can deploy this reg key to your users via GPO or Intune configuration profiles 🙂 


Let me know how it goes or if you have further questions

If this helped solve your issue feel free to mark my reply as "best solution" 



Oliwer Sundgren

Hi @oliwer_sundgren 


I could not see "new Category" at preferences as given below.  Also let me know more about how to set via GPO or Intune configuration profiles .






Hello again! @Djeanthi2215

You have to create it under Preferences yourself.

Do the following

1: Right click the white the "preferences" folder
2: Choose "New" and then "String Value"



3: name it "newcategories" and then click enter



4: Doubleclick "newcategories" to modify it
5: in "value data" Write the following to add the categories that you had in your example
and then click "OK"
Needs analasys; Demo; Contract; Renewal



 6: Restart Outlook and you will see the new categories 🙂 


Let me know how it goes! And then we can discuss Intune or GPO


Oliwer Sundgren

Hi @oliwer_sundgren ,


Can we do this without Intune enrollment? If not, is there an alternative?


Thank you!


Hi @oliwer_sundgren ,


I have changed as specified and it is not working(restarted the outlook).






Thank you!

Hello! @Djeanthi2215
I believe the registry is case sensitive. So change from "Newcategories" to "newcategories" and see if that helps 🙂
