Exchange Online Search and Delete more than 10 Items

Brass Contributor

Hello Team 


i would like to delete the emails / Teams conversation from Content search which is more than 10 Items 

By default, we can delete 10 iteams per content search using new-compliancesearchaction,


But the real scenario, It would be more than 10 items always , eg Phising , Malware emails.


What is best way to delete the emails if its more 10 items count in exchnage online. 


Search-mailbox is working but it has already depreciated , not sure when it will stop works.


Using GraphAPI. i have not tried. but in the real perfect world. Most of the people not willing to use Graph API to delete . Please suggest

2 Replies
If you want a proven, easy-to-use solution, stick to Search-Mailbox. If not, multiple runs of New-ComplianceSearchAction are inevitable, and Graph offers nothing new.
Thanks Vasil , so indirectly search-mailbox not goanna to be depreciated Sonner or later