Forum Discussion
VBA Update Selected Table Row
I'm trying to create my first form in VBA. I've created an input form where a user can input a new row in a table, but I would also like users to be able to select an existing row in the table and edit that row.
I've attatched the file which I've been working on where I have created a form called edit_frm where I would like the current row information to be edited. If anyone could help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!
Patrick Thörnlund You're very close! Userforms have events. One of those being when the form is opened/loaded and it's called 'UserForm_Initialize'. This code runs every time the form Load function is called, which is done by default if you Show it.
Here are two examples which do exactly the same thing:
Load edit_frm edit_frm.Show
... does the same thing as ...
When you call the Show method, the form loads, which runs the Initialize event. In this example it doesn't make much of a difference, but if you try using userforms a bit more, it's good to know. For example, loading a userform as a variable and controlling it via code.
The Initialize event in the workbook you attached is very close. I see where you added the code I posted. Where it's failing is there are three rows of your old code which shouldn't be there. Remove those rows, starting with "Dim r As Long".
Next, copy the line of code I wrote for the Initialize event for each control you want to load. In my example I used the index of the Table column. You can also use the text name as well, which might be easier to understand. Here are two examples...
Me.cbox_bolag.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Företag").Index).Value Me.tbox_bestdatum.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Beställningsdatum").Index).Value
In looking through your Table, there are some tricky items, such as check boxes. Because of those, I wrote up your entire Initialize routine, below, to save confusion.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() If EditRow Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Me.cbox_bolag.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Företag").Index).Value Me.tbox_bestdatum.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Beställningsdatum").Index).Value Me.tbox_division.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Division").Index).Value Me.tbox_namnkpers.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Kontrollpersonens namn").Index).Value Me.tbox_persnmr.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Personnummer").Index).Value Me.cbox_niva.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Nivå").Index).Value Me.tbox_levdatum.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Leveransdatum").Index).Value Me.cbox_handlaggare.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Ansvarig handläggare").Index).Value Me.cbox_utfall.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Utfall").Index).Value Me.cbox_bas.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("BAS").Index).Value Me.cbox_media.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Media").Index).Value Me.cbox_arbetsliv.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Arbetsliv").Index).Value Me.cbox_utbildning.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Utbildning").Index).Value Me.cbox_domstol.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Domstolsutskick").Index).Value Me.cbox_aklagare.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Åklagarmyndighet").Index).Value Me.tbox_ovrigt.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Övriga uppgifter").Index).Value If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Kvitterad order").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.Kvitterad_order_ja.Value = True Me.Kvitterad_order_nej.Value = False Else Me.Kvitterad_order_nej.Value = True Me.Kvitterad_order_ja.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Fakturerad").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_fakturerad.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_fakturerad.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("BAS Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Media Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_media.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_media.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Arbetsliv Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_arbetsliv.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_arbetsliv.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Utbildning Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Domstol Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_domstol.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_domstol.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Åklagare Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_aklagare.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_aklagare.Value = False End If End Sub
Remember, for this to work you must have a row in the Table selected, then click the 'Redigera Order' button to load the form with that Table's row of data. I've re-attached your file with the code in it.
- Zack BarresseIron Contributor
Patrick Thörnlund I would think about utilizing a property for the range of the Table you're wanting to pass to the userform. Then you can manipulate the object when/however you want.
The routine 'edit_button_Klicka' would be transformed into:
Option Explicit Private pEditTable As ListObject Private pEditRow As ListRow Public Property Get EditTable() As ListObject Set EditTable = pEditTable End Property Public Property Set EditTable( _ ByVal Value As ListObject _ ) Set pEditTable = Value End Property Public Property Get EditRow() As ListRow Set EditRow = pEditRow End Property Public Property Set EditRow( _ ByVal Value As ListRow _ ) Set pEditRow = Value End Property Sub edit_button_Klicka() Set EditTable = Worksheets("Beställningsunderlag").ListObjects("Tabell1") On Error Resume Next If Intersect(ActiveCell, EditTable.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Please select a row in the Table." Exit Sub End If Set EditRow = EditTable.ListRows(ActiveCell.Row - EditTable.DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Row + 1) On Error GoTo 0 If EditRow Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Could not find the selected row.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly Exit Sub End If edit_frm.Show End Sub
In your userform, you would need an initialize event to see if that property has been set or not, which you could do with something like this...
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() If EditRow Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Me.cbox_bolag.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns(2).Index).Value ' Add other lines for your userform controls... End Sub
Since the properties are public, I would destroy them when closing the userform as well, with something like this...
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Set EditRow = Nothing Set EditTable = Nothing End Sub
As another method, opposed to the public property example I showed above, you could have a wrapper function for calling your userform and just handle it all in the initialize event. I like the public property method because it's more flexible, as you can re-use the code in other situations.
- Zack BarresseIron ContributorOh, I also forgot to mention that, when exiting the userform (via confirm button), you would also need to go through the same process of utilizing the 'EditRow' to place the values back. I would test them first (i.e. If Control.Value <> Cell.Value Then...) as to avoid triggering a cell change to the same value, but that's mere preference tbh.
- Patrick ThörnlundCopper Contributor
Thank you Zack Barresse!
However I don't fully understand what you mean. I tried to use the code you provided but don't get it to work, when I open the edit form nothing happens.
As I said before I've never worked with VBA so I'm sorry if I'm missing somthing obvious, thank you for your patience! I've attached the file where I tried to use the code you provided.
- Zack BarresseIron Contributor
Patrick Thörnlund You're very close! Userforms have events. One of those being when the form is opened/loaded and it's called 'UserForm_Initialize'. This code runs every time the form Load function is called, which is done by default if you Show it.
Here are two examples which do exactly the same thing:
Load edit_frm edit_frm.Show
... does the same thing as ...
When you call the Show method, the form loads, which runs the Initialize event. In this example it doesn't make much of a difference, but if you try using userforms a bit more, it's good to know. For example, loading a userform as a variable and controlling it via code.
The Initialize event in the workbook you attached is very close. I see where you added the code I posted. Where it's failing is there are three rows of your old code which shouldn't be there. Remove those rows, starting with "Dim r As Long".
Next, copy the line of code I wrote for the Initialize event for each control you want to load. In my example I used the index of the Table column. You can also use the text name as well, which might be easier to understand. Here are two examples...
Me.cbox_bolag.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Företag").Index).Value Me.tbox_bestdatum.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Beställningsdatum").Index).Value
In looking through your Table, there are some tricky items, such as check boxes. Because of those, I wrote up your entire Initialize routine, below, to save confusion.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() If EditRow Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Me.cbox_bolag.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Företag").Index).Value Me.tbox_bestdatum.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Beställningsdatum").Index).Value Me.tbox_division.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Division").Index).Value Me.tbox_namnkpers.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Kontrollpersonens namn").Index).Value Me.tbox_persnmr.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Personnummer").Index).Value Me.cbox_niva.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Nivå").Index).Value Me.tbox_levdatum.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Leveransdatum").Index).Value Me.cbox_handlaggare.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Ansvarig handläggare").Index).Value Me.cbox_utfall.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Utfall").Index).Value Me.cbox_bas.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("BAS").Index).Value Me.cbox_media.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Media").Index).Value Me.cbox_arbetsliv.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Arbetsliv").Index).Value Me.cbox_utbildning.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Utbildning").Index).Value Me.cbox_domstol.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Domstolsutskick").Index).Value Me.cbox_aklagare.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Åklagarmyndighet").Index).Value Me.tbox_ovrigt.Value = EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Övriga uppgifter").Index).Value If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Kvitterad order").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.Kvitterad_order_ja.Value = True Me.Kvitterad_order_nej.Value = False Else Me.Kvitterad_order_nej.Value = True Me.Kvitterad_order_ja.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Fakturerad").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_fakturerad.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_fakturerad.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("BAS Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Media Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_media.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_media.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Arbetsliv Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_arbetsliv.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_arbetsliv.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Utbildning Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_BAS.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Domstol Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_domstol.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_domstol.Value = False End If If EditTable.DataBodyRange(EditRow.Index, EditTable.ListColumns("Åklagare Klar").Index).Value = "Ja" Then Me.CheckBox_aklagare.Value = True Else Me.CheckBox_aklagare.Value = False End If End Sub
Remember, for this to work you must have a row in the Table selected, then click the 'Redigera Order' button to load the form with that Table's row of data. I've re-attached your file with the code in it.