VBA- Formula to reference another workbook

Copper Contributor

Hey everyone,

I have a Formula code that works, see below.

Now I want that formula to reference to another closed  "Source workbook", not the workbook the makro is in.
I already achieved copying from that "Source workbook" but I want to immediatly apply the formula onto teh data in the soure workbook without needing to copy it.

The Formula Code:

Sub Formula_Active_Row()
Dim r As Long, rr As Long, c As Long
Dim wrng As String

r = 2
rr = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
wrng = "$D$" & r & ":$D$" & rr
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 4).Formula = "=AVERAGEIF(" & wrng & ","">0""," & wrng & ")"

End Sub


Any ideas for a VBA newbie??


All help is much appreciated

FYI: Here is the code to Copy from the "Source Workbook"

Option Explicit
Dim Stamm As String
Dim Quelldatei As Variant

Sub Aktualisieren2()
Stamm = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' 'Is target File
Quelldatei = "Source.xlsx" 'Is Source File & Needs to change
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Users\Source\" & Quelldatei 'Folder of Source File
Workbooks(Quelldatei).Sheets("Source January").Range("A1:AH33").Copy ' Adapt Sheet and Range
Workbooks(Stamm).Sheets("Formula").Range("A1:AH33").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ' Adapt Sheet and Range
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

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