Forum Discussion
VBA Find (What:="") tied to dropdown list box
- May 02, 2022
Hi Fred,
I see the mistake that I made. I hope that the attached version works correctly. You'll notice that there is no Teams dropdown anymore. It isn't needed because the macro loops through all teams.
You only need to select a week, then click the button.
Hello Hans,
Last time you helped I wanted to count the number of drives each team made per week throughout the 22-week season. That information came from the Driveworksheet, but it has data other than the number of drives. It also gives the results of those drives. Particularly, it tells you if the drive ended in a touchdown or a field goal.
What I want to do now is again count the number of drives and also count the number of touchdowns and field goals. It appeared to me that capturing that data on another worksheet would be best. That worksheet is named Drive Count.
I think that you can read the macro code and see how we get to the Drives. From there to get to the touchdowns and field goals you would offset 7 columns right. And you would be looking at the same row numbers that the drives were counted. For example: if the drives were in the range B12:B22 the touchdowns and field goals would be in I12:I22.
I hope that explains what I want to do. I'll try to clarify any questions you have.
I thought I would post this screenshot to show the data area in the above example.