Total cells if the name/account# in a different cells match.

Copper Contributor

I have a spreadsheet with different names/account numbers and each line has a payment amount. How do I total only the amounts with the same names/account ID without having to manually Sum the payment amount. What is the formula to total payment amounts IF the name/acct# is identical?  I would like a new column to have the total. I need a total for each customer even if there are not multiple payments The only data that I do not have is the TOTAL PAID column which is what I am looking to create. 

Example below:

Tran IDTran Post DateAcct IDNameAmountTOTAL PAID
12348907/16/2024850804Paul Armstrong70.00 
12375907/12/2024850804Paul Armstrong70.00140.00
13555407/15/2024850805Niki Ashton140.00


13557807/25/2024850111Karen Webster235.00


13446907/26/2024850111Karen Webster235.00




2 Replies




This formula returns the intended result in my sample file. The formula is in cell G2 and filled down.

total paid.jpg


Alternatively you may use PivotTable to calculate totals for each account
