Jan 17 2023 03:48 AM
Hi, novice user here,
I am not a power user and do not know all the functions available. I am sure this is a very basic function but do not know where to start.
Is there a function within excel to report a year or part of number from a production number : 006.1999.140.00007 (the year ref. is in red within the string) the full text string is in one cell:
001.2000.054.00015 3 BT-300 2.06 Normal-1 96 6% |
The year is always reported as the second part of the string ie. TYPE.YEAR.MACHINE.NUMBER. The other information is irrelevant at this time i just require the year to be reported.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jan 17 2023 04:14 AM
Let's say you have such a value in D2.
In another cell, for example E2, enter the formula
=MID(D2, FIND(".", D2)+1, 4)
This can be filled or copied down if required.