Power Query: Enable "Use fuzzy matching to perform the merge" Option

Copper Contributor


I am using Excel 2016 version with the Fuzzy Lookup Add in already installed. For some reasons, I can not see the option "Use fuzzy matching to perform the merge" under the Join Kind"'s Merge field, at the Power Query Merge to  join two tables.


Please, let me know how I can enable this Fuzzy merging in the Powerquery.


Thank you,



5 Replies


I noticed the same when trying to perform fuzzy matching that "Use fuzzy matching to perform the merge" is unavailable. However, when I used the same data in Power BI Power Query, "Use fuzzy matching to perform the merge" is available.


I believe it is available to Office 365 Insiders users





Fuzzy Matching in Power Query for Excel is supported for Office365 subscribers only, not sure on which channels it's available https://support.office.com/en-us/article/fuzzy-match-support-for-get-transform-power-query-ffdd5082-...


It has nothing common with outdated and not supported Fuzzy Matching add-in.

@SalaLoocki Hi there,


I have the same problem, I discovered that I can amend the regular matching formula with the fuzzing formula.


You first matching the 2 tables and then add the word "Fuzzy" here (Formula Bar):

= Table.FuzzyNestedJoin(#"Changed Type", {"Last Name"}, Table4, {"Last Name"}, "Table4", JoinKind.LeftOuter)




I hope this helped you :)


Yes, and it could be better to add optional parameters as here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/table-fuzzynestedjoin.


By the way, some other functions/connectors also work if code them directly, even if they are not in user interface of particular version of Excel (I don't mean functions which are never in user interface).

@Sergei Baklan 

Thank you All, for your help and answers.

