Forum Discussion
Sep 07, 2022Copper Contributor
Need Help with Excel Macro
I have a large excel sheet (macro enabled) that I want to send email from with specific data in each email. I have all working right but I can't get it to create an email to send to each email addre...
- Sep 12, 2022
See the attached version. The code is in Module1.
Copper Contributor
Gosh, you are going to wish you'd never heard of me but there is one thing that it has stopped doing. It used to put the date when the emails were sent in the Email Sent column but now it's not doing that. Can you fix that part of the code yet and then I promise to leave you alone. Thank you!
Sep 12, 2022MVP
Try this version. You can also try uncommenting the If ... and End If lines - I think they should work correctly now.
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strBody As String
Dim EmailSubject As String
Dim SendToMail As String
Dim r As Long
With ActiveSheet
If .FilterMode Then .ShowAllData
End With
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Rng = Range("AH5", Cells(Rows.Count, "AH").End(xlUp))
For Each rngCell In Rng
'If Range("P" & r).Value = "" And _
Range("O" & r).Value > Date + 7 And _
Range("O" & r).Value <= Date + 120 Then
r = rngCell.Row
Range("P" & r).Value = Date
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
strBody = "According to my records, your " & Range("A" & r).Value & _
" contract is due for review " & rngCell.Offset(0, 5).Value & _
". It is important you review this contract ASAP and email me " & _
"with any changes made. If it is renewed, please fill out the " & _
"Contract Cover Sheet which can be found in the Everyone folder " & _
"and send me the cover sheet along with the new original contract."
SendToMail = Range("AH" & r).Value
EmailSubject = Range("A" & r).Value
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.To = SendToMail
.Subject = EmailSubject
.Body = strBody
.Display ' You can use .Send
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'End If
Next rngCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
- HansVogelaarSep 20, 2022MVP
In another discussion, you asked
How would I modify the code you sent me to also include a specific hyperlink to the email that goes out? It would be a different hyperlink in each email just like the review date is also specific. Thank you.
If you include a URL complete with https:// or http:// in the body text of the email message, Outlook will automatically convert it to a hyperlink. The URL can come from the value of a cell, just like you get the type of contract from a cell.
- Diana703Sep 12, 2022Copper ContributorYou are the MASTER! I can't thank you enough! God bless you!