Forum Discussion
Jan 19, 2024Copper Contributor
IF formula for churn
Hi All, I am trying to write a quick formula for the below. Basically, this should be one answer based on the level of urgency, then if surpassing 9 months, then this customer has Churned. ...
Jan 19, 2024Iron Contributor
Hello checkstatap
How about if you compare the date to date + 9 months? something like:
This will give you the date in M11 + 9 months so now you can compare the date in M11 to that date and if its larger then churn has happened.
Hope this helops
How about if you compare the date to date + 9 months? something like:
This will give you the date in M11 + 9 months so now you can compare the date in M11 to that date and if its larger then churn has happened.
Hope this helops