How do you bypass function ranges under certain criteria?

Copper Contributor



I have a table with projected data for each day of the week in one row with a sum at the end.  Actual daily data is entered in another row, as it becomes available.  I'm trying to find a function that returns a sum of the actual data on days it has been entered plus projected data on days when it hasn't been.  I'm toying with ISBLANK and SUMIFS but can't figure it out.  I'm looking for something along the lines of a SUM function that pulls data from a primary row but bypasses it with data from the row bellow where cells in that row contain values, or pulls form a primary row but pulls data form the row above for cells that are blank.


Thank you.

1 Reply



Is it possible for you to help us help you by posting a copy of your workbook (or, if the actual is confidential, a mockup that is an accurate representation) on OneDrive or GoogleDrive with a link here that grants access? Not just an image, please; an actual workbook.


Otherwise, you're asking us to make assumptions about how the data are arrayed, and such assumptions may not be valid. It would just be far, far easier to work with the actual workbook or, as noted, a mockup.