How avoid new header/line created at applying a custom style?

Copper Contributor

I have a simple list of items. I want to format them as color strips.


I select the cells and apply some "custom formating".


But always it inserts a "header line".


If after formating I click at "Table Design" and then "options" and remove the check mark at header", then the header filter disappers... but my data is still one line above original position (because of that header line that was inserted).




I'm using Excel Web to fast edit some email file. It is better to read each color different.

excel autoformato irritante.jpg

That's it.

2 Replies

@Daniel_Calegari That's by design. The whole purpose of formatting data as a table is to get a structured data set with column headers so that you can address columns by their name.


The dialogue box asking for a a header or not is used to tell Excel wether the data has a header row or not. If not, a header row (be it with not very meaningful names) will be created.


Now, if you do not want to work in a table with headers, look into conditional formatting. In the attached file I have formatted each odd numbered row to have a light grey background. 

Thank you, but this design is very dumb!

Why in the hell Excel does include a new line if I tell "no header"?
This new line mess all the others.
And if I change the options to not generate the header line and filters, well, next time I use the feature it could remember my settings... why not?

"Conditional formatting". I was using it before. But it is a bit laborious to apply it every time I need only a "zebra worksheet".