Hepl with columes compering

Copper Contributor

Hi, I need to compeer 2 columns and get proper text from third column?!

If text in the cells of those two columns is equal them copy/past text from third column 





4 Replies



Try this:



Adjust the ranges accordingly. A1:A50 would be the range on your right containing A####, B1:B50 is the range containing the information to be returned which is on your right. C1 would be the reference to the cell on your left, which is also A####. Then drag down to fill. 

Hi Martin,
thank you, I tried but is doesn't function...



Could you please provide a sample document without sensitive data. It will help me help you further.

best response confirmed by lamid77 (Copper Contributor)

@Martin_Angosto @lamid77 


Solved! We used the same formulation on this reply and got to work it.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by lamid77 (Copper Contributor)

@Martin_Angosto @lamid77 


Solved! We used the same formulation on this reply and got to work it.

View solution in original post