Forum Discussion
Help: Highlighting Only the First Duplicate
- Apr 15, 2022
Select B1:B9 (or to the end of the data). B1 should be the active cell in the selection.
Create a rule of type 'Use a formula to determine which cells to format' with formula
Just for the sake of it, a slightly different approach to identifying the first occurrence of each string.
Because CF is a pile of antiquated functionality, one is forced to use relative referencing rather than array formulas. First I provided a name for the current cell, which I show in R1C1 notation whereas A1 notation would give me any one of 17 billion ways of writing the same thing.
currentCell = Sheet1!RC;
currentCell XLOOKUP(currentCell, sessions, sessions)
The Boolean Named Formula firstInstance? looks up the current cell value in the list of sessions and returns a reference to the first occurrence. If that reference and the current cell are one and the same, the argument of ISREF( ) will be the reference, otherwise a NULL error, giving TRUE/FALSE. The formatting depends upon firstInstance?