Excel not displaying content consistently across versions. Please Help.
I'm having issues with Excel not displaying files uniformly on other computers and versions of Office.
I've created this account to try to get answers since 2 days of Google searches resulted in none.
In the screenshot below, this is the file as it was created using Office 2007 on a Windows 7 Professional x64 Version 6.1.7600 OS Build 7600 computer. You can see the zoom in the bottom right corner is set to 100%. At the top of the tabs you can also see a tab for DYMO Label which is not present on the next two screenshots.
This next screenshot below is the file as it was opened using Office 2019 Home and Student on a Windows 10 Home x64 Version 1803 OS Build 17134.1069 computer. You can see the zoom in the bottom right corner is set to 100%. Aside from very minor differences the display is just about the same as the original above. The column width and heights are identical to the one above.
Now here's where the problem comes in. The screenshot below is the file as it was opened using Office 2019 Professional Plus on a Windows 10 Professional x64 Version 10.0.18362 OS Build 18362 computer. You can see the zoom in the bottom right corner is set to 100% BUT the display is considerably smaller than what's shown on the above two screenshots. Not only is it smaller on the screen BUT the column widths and heights are BIGGER than the original. On some of the other sheets the content is shown as ######### meaning it's too big for the cell even though the cell width and height is bigger than the original where it fits and displays properly.
All three computers are using 24" monitors and I would assume should all display identically. I have searched and searched on Google for a reason why this is not working on the Office 2019 Pro Plus version and found absolutely nothing. I need this file to be uniform across these platforms but am not knowledged enough to figure out why they are not. I was advised that perhaps I should just install a version of Office that the file is displaying correctly on onto my computer. But I JUST bought and installed the 2019 Office Pro Plus version and can't see spending money on other versions that may or may not correct the display issue on this particular PC.
If anyone can please help me figure this out it would be greatly appreciated. Please also take into account I know nothing technical about computers so please don't use big technical words in your explanations.