Forum Discussion

Mbarak630's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 15, 2023

Excel formula help

kindly assist on formula below in cell E5   =IF(TODAY() > F5, D5 *(1.1)* (1 + 0.1)^MIN(DATEDIF(F5, TODAY(), "M"), 3), D5*1.1)   how do I formulate it to first check if (outstanding amount) column...
  • mtarler's avatar
    Jun 15, 2023
    I'm not sure but I think what the OP is getting at is that the partial payments need to be taken into account such that the 10% is applied to the remaining balance at that time. So if the original loan is 1000 and 10% interest so principle & Interest is 1100 that has to be paid by due date but if only 500 was paid then 600 is outstanding balance and would get 10% penalty so new loan balance would be 660 the month after the due date and if they paid 260 then the next month would have another 10% penalty but only on the remaining 400 so the new balance would be 440.
    Maybe Mbarak630 could confirm or correct this
    If this is the case I think we could use LAMBDA function with REDUCE to do this
