Copy sheet to new book changes cell color

Copper Contributor

We have a company wide report that is used every day that utilizes a macro which copies two sheets to a new workbook once it is done running. We noticed this morning that certain cell colors are completely changing when opened in a new book. 


The original file has all of the colors the way we want, but once moved to its own book, we get things like "Gold, Accent 4, Lighter 80%" changing to "Turquoise, Accent 4, Lighter 80%". I can see that the available color selection has changed for fill, but we have the colors set up in a specific manner and need them to hold their original fill. 

Any ideas on what we could do to fix this?

3 Replies
The theme for the whole file is changing when sheets are copied to new workbook. New Question: Why does it auto update the theme and is there a way to get it to stop doing that?

I have the same issue, do we have answer yet? @Xlaplante 

Me too. I have tried everything I can thing of to resolve this but nothing works.

The worksheet I am moving was an .xls file. Even saving it as an .xlsx doesn't change the behaviour.

FWIW: the default colour cells all go bright green when I move the sheet to another book.