Compare Data in two sheets

Copper Contributor



I receive a list on a weekly basis of all employees at my company. I'd like to compare one sheet to the other to determine new employees and only show the new employees who are in sheet 2 but weren't in sheet 1. The data in the sheets would look like this:




Smith, Joeemail address removed for privacy reasons
Jones, Daveemail address removed for privacy reasons
Hall, Darylemail address removed for privacy reasons
Oates, Johnemail address removed for privacy reasons
Nelson, Rogeremail address removed for privacy reasons


Sheet 2


Smith, Joeemail address removed for privacy reasons
Jones, Daveemail address removed for privacy reasons
Stein, Chrisemail address removed for privacy reasons
Hall, Darylemail address removed for privacy reasons
Oates, Johnemail address removed for privacy reasons
Nelson, Rogeremail address removed for privacy reasons


In this situation, I only want it to highlight or call out Chris Stein as the new employee. Is there a way to accomplish this?

2 Replies


You can try conditional formatting. Easiest way would be to enter the data into one sheet (copy and paste) and then select the data as shown in the screenshot. Then ranges in columns B and E are selected with the mouse. 


You can apply conditional formatting with this path:

Conditional formatting -> Highlight cells rules ->  Duplicate Values

dplicate values.JPG


Now only the new employee isn't highlighted in red.

result duplicate values.JPG



@OliverScheurich Thanks for this! It worked perfectly!