Forum Discussion
Dec 08, 2023Brass Contributor
Hello everyone ! I need help with my worksheet. I have inside 3 sheets = "DATA", "RESULTS" and "COMPOSITION" 1- for "COMPOSITION" sheet: I need to calculate "AVER." (D32) with some specific c...
Dec 12, 2023Steel Contributor
I didn't realise column Y in RESULTS should be computed in the same way as D32 in COMPOSITION.
I corrected the formula in column Y. (spreadsheet updated).
Below in RESULTS Y18 should work.
Dec 12, 2023Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks
Is there any FORMULA for sheet "RESULTS" to lookup/fill at once (B19:C117) for "Prénoms" and "Noms" ? and then "D19:F117) for "Appel", "Genre" and "Classe" ?
I can do it with:
=INDEX(DATA!B19:$B$118;MATCH($A18;DATA!$A19:$A118;0)) here my problem is I can do it but for COLUMN by COLUMN
FILTER(DATA!$A$19:$C$118;Results!A18;"") => here also I can do it but this will break once I add new COLUMN between them
- rachelJul 22, 2024Steel Contributor
See attached.
I get lost in your nested IFs too.
So I added a table, and use XLOOKUP in columnD.
- BoulakgnobotJul 21, 2024Brass Contributor
rachelThanks !
Here I want to FILL (D:D) with COLUMNS (A:A) and (C:C)
IF (A:A="Move up to a higher class" + C:C="Successful" OR "Fail")) OR (A:A="Repeats in case of failure" + C:C="Successful") = "PassB25"
IF ("Repeats in case of failure" + "Fail") OR (Exceptional repetition" + ("Successful" OR "Fail")) = "Repeat25"
IF ("Excluded in case of failure" + ("Successful" OR "Fail")) = "Exclude24"
IF ("Abandon" + "Abandon" = "Exclude24"
IF ("Move" + "Move" = "Move24"
I TRY with this below FORMULA but I still don't understand WHY it doesn't WORK ?
=IF(B3="";"";IF(OR(IF(AND(B3="3A";A3="Move up to a higher class";IF(OR(C3="Successful";C3="Fail")));IF(AND(B3="3A";A3="Repeats in case of failure";C3="Successful")));"PassB";"")
IMAGE below :
FILE link below :
- rachelJul 14, 2024Steel Contributor
Updated file.
I added IF() around XLOOKUP to replace "0" with "".
- BoulakgnobotJul 14, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
Here, I have 3 dependent Drop-Downs (Q1), (Q2) and (M2)
The PROBLEM is that when it comes for "LEVEL {"Class_5e";"Class_6e"} (Q2) there is NO "ITV" Notes for those 2 LEVELS in 'DATA DETAILS'! Sheet so it gives me back ZEROs
SOLUTION : I want to GET RID Off z ZEROs in (I) Column
IMAGE below :
LINK below :
- rachelJul 12, 2024Steel Contributor
Can you try this OneDrive link:
I think something is wrong with uploading file in this site.
I tried to download some of the files I uploaded last week, didn't work either.
- BoulakgnobotJul 11, 2024Brass Contributor
Thanks !
I have problem to DOWNLOAD this FILE. It gives me html file - rachelJul 11, 2024Steel Contributor
- BoulakgnobotJul 11, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
Now HOW can I get rid off the zeros and the extras ?
IMAGE below :
FILE link below :
- rachelJul 04, 2024Steel Contributor
Yes. Helpers are required for sorting.
I noticed you already have "RANK" in AVERAGE STUDENT 3e. So for 5 best students, I filter out students with RANK <=5; for 10 best students, I filter out students with RANK <= 10. (see attached).
- BoulakgnobotJul 04, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
Here, I want to FILTER depending on (L1) Criteria, the NUMBER of BEST STUDENTS (2;5 or 10 highest AVERAGE) from each class in 'AVERAGE STUDENT 3e'! sheet
(F); (0); (X) depending on (I1)
Maybe with "Helpers"
FILE link below :
- rachelJul 03, 2024Steel Contributor
- BoulakgnobotJul 03, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
Here, there's some mistake with SORTING
It's OK for (Q1) "2nd Semester" because I wanted to SORT it by (L) "ANNUAL"
BUT there's a PROBLEM when it comes for (Q1) "1st Semester" because I want it to be SORT also BUT by (J) "S01"FILE link below :
- rachelJul 02, 2024Steel Contributor
On 1). I think it is better to separate Average and Rank:
On 2), I added helper columns for sorting:
See attached.
- BoulakgnobotJul 01, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
1- NOW, I want my "1st Semester" RANKs to be in (M) same COLUMN as for "2nd Semester"
IF = "1st Semester", Average STILL in (J) COLUMN but Rank GOES to (M) COLUMN Like for "2nd Semester"Here, is it possible to Separate 2 Adjacents Columns at once ?
PICTURE below :
FILE link below :
2- HOW can I, at the same time, SORT this LIST depending on (L);(D) then (C) Columns that mean the "ANNUAL" Average first then Last Name and First Name ?
- rachelJul 01, 2024Steel Contributor
- BoulakgnobotJul 01, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
NOW, I want to change my "2nd Semester" to be FILTERED from 'AVERAGE STUDENT 3e! (O:T) with NON ADJACENTS by CHOOSING (O;Q;S;T) COLUMNS
IF = "2nd Semester" so (J5:O85) = 'AVERAGE STUDENT 3e! (O3:T85) but WITHOUT (P) and ®
Maybe by USING CHOOSECOLS()FILE link below :
- rachelJun 29, 2024Steel Contributor
Yes, I believe you can. (Attached the excel).
I just convert G2:J7 as a table and names it "Classes". and I put =INDIRECT("Classes["&B2&"]") as data validation list:
- BoulakgnobotJun 29, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
Can I use the same principle to fill my drop down ?
- IF "LEVEL" = "Class_3"
"BLOC" = "3B";"3B";"3C";"3D";"3E";"3F"
- IF "LEVEL" = "Class_4"
"BLOC" = "4B";"4B";"4C";"4D";"4E";"4F"
- IF "LEVEL" = "Class_5"
"BLOC" = "5B";"5B";"5C";"5D";"5E";"5F"
- IF "LEVEL" = "Class_6"
"BLOC" = "6B";"6B";"6C";"6D";"6E";"6F"FILE below :
- rachelJun 28, 2024Steel Contributor
See attached.
I put the address of relevant ranges for 1st Semester, 2nd Semester in below table:
Then I use INDIRECT to get data from those ranges.
- BoulakgnobotJun 27, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
Here in YELLOW SHEETS, I want to FILTER DATAs from 'AVERAGE STUDENT 3e! (B:E) + 'DATA DETAILS 3e! (G:G;K:K;O:O;S:S) + 'AVERAGE STUDENT 3e! (F:G) for "_3eA"'s "1st Semester"
So that : It DEPENDS from (N1) and (K2) DROP DOWN LISTS
=IF(AND((N1="1st Semester");(K2="_3eA"));IF(AND((N1="2nd Semester");(K2="_3eA"));FILTER(
=IF(AND((N1="1st Semester");(K2="_3eB"));IF(AND((N1="2nd Semester");(K2="_3eB"));FILTER(
=IF(AND((N1="1st Semester");(K2="_3eC"));IF(AND((N1="2nd Semester");(K2="_3eC"));FILTER(and REMOVE ERRORS and ZEROS
Image Illustration below
FILE Link below
- rachelJan 24, 2024Steel Contributor
- BoulakgnobotJan 22, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
1- for "N°" (K), "First Name" (L), "Last Name" (M), "Registration" (N), "Secure" (O) and "Xpiration" (P)
a- I want to FIND the students who are recruited SEVERAL TIMES (DUPLICATES) outside; it's to say from other 2 sheets (RICHARDSON LIST'!$A$4:$F$23), (NARUTO LIST'!$A$4:$F$23) and (MICHELLE LIST'!$A$4:$F$23)2- for "N° in DC" (Q), "First Name in DC" (R) and "Last Name in DC" (S)
a- FIND their RIGHT "N°" from ('DATA CENTER'!$A$4:$A$274), "First Name" from ('DATA CENTER'!$B$4:$B$274) and "Last Name" from ('DATA CENTER'!$C$4:$C$274)3- for "which LISTS" (T) and "Coach" (U)
- Example: Here it's external duplicates so they come from DIFFERENT sheets lists; it's to say "RICHARDSON LIST" (sheets NAME or (RICHARDSON LIST'!B1), (NARUTO LIST'!B1) and (MICHELLE LIST'!B1))
b- FIND who are these COACHES from (RICHARDSON LIST'!$I$4:$I$23), (NARUTO LIST'!$I$4:$I$23) and (MICHELLE LIST'!$I$4:$I$23) who make DUPLICATES.IMAGE below:
FILE link below:
- rachelJan 22, 2024Steel Contributor
I use COUNTIFS to find duplicates. and then XLOOKUP to find FirstName in DC and LastName in DC.
- BoulakgnobotJan 21, 2024Brass Contributor
rachel Thanks !
1- for "N°" (K), "First Name" (L), "Last Name" (M), "Registration" (N), "Secure" (O) and "Xpiration" (P)
a- I want to FIND the students who are recruited SEVERAL TIMES (DUPLICATES) inside a same LIST ($A$4:$F$23) (left TABLE)2- for "N° in DC" (Q), "First Name in DC" (R) and "Last Name in DC" (S)
a- FIND their RIGHT "N°" from ('DATA CENTER'!$A$4:$A$274), "First Name" from ('DATA CENTER'!$B$4:$B$274) and "Last Name" from ('DATA CENTER'!$C$4:$C$274)3- for "which LISTS" (T) and "Coach" (U)
a- FIND which LIST bring those DUPLICATES.
- Example: Here it's internal duplicates so they come from this sheet list; it's to say "RICHARDSON LIST" (sheet NAME or (B1))
b- FIND who are these COACHES from ($I$4:$I$23) who make DUPLICATES.IMAGE below:
FILE link below:
- rachelJan 21, 2024Steel Contributor
Thanks for further clarification!
Yes, I realised FIND function has limitations for cases such as "ADAMO" "RIQ".
But I think below criterion actually make things easier:
a- ALL NAMES that don't APPEAR in "DATA CENTER"'s
b- But those names "Registration" Code (D), "Secure" Code (E) and "Xpiration" Code (F) MUST MATCH EXACTLY "DATA CENTER"'s "Registration" Code ('DATA CENTER'!$G$4:$G$275), "Secure" ('DATA CENTER'!$H$4:$H$275) and "Xpiration" Code ('DATA CENTER'!$I$4:$I$275) first
It is better to use XLOOKUP to search for First Name in DC and Last Name in DC by ColumnD + ColumnE + ColumnF first, and then check whether or not First Name and Last Name match the "First Name in DC" and "Last Name in DC".