Assistance needed combining two text columns.

Copper Contributor
I need to combine Notes 1 with Notes 2, to track monthly dialogue, showing the balances for May and June
Customer NameMay BalanceNotes 1Customer NameMay BalanceJune BalanceNotes 2
Joan$800.997/8/22 Spoke with JoanJoan$800.99$800.15new
Bill$900.156/4/23 Spoke with BillBill$900.15$650.00 
Brad$7,799.005/9/23 emailed BradBrad$7,799.00$313.50 
Joe$415.9812/1/23 Joe called, sending paymentSamantha$600.30$0.00 
Samantha$600.308/4/23 Sam called and paid full balanceJoe$415.98-$415.99 
   Nelly  $458.25 
   Tom $361.25 
7 Replies



I need to combine Notes 1 with Notes 2, to track monthly dialogue, showing the balances for May and June
The combining of Notes 1 with Notes 2 is a simple matter. Assuming Notes 1 is column B and Notes 2 is column G, put this formula in H2, copy it down.
=B2&" "&G2
If, though,  I may be so bold as to offer some unsolicited advice: That overall design of your Excel sheet is not at all optimum, with duplicate column names heading the list. Depending on the context in which this is being used, how it's being used, there are a few major recommendations I might make.
So could we back up a bit and ask you to describe that context--what this is all about--how entries get made (the Input side of things), what sort of results, reports are expected at the Output end of things.
If what you're doing is tracking accounts for each person, accounts where debts are incurred (for purchases or loans, whatever), where payments are made, etc., it would make sense at the very least to have columns that represent:
  • Date (of transaction)
  • Acct #
  • Name
  • Transaction type
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Balance
  • Notes/Comments

With a well-designed database (like the above, but designed for your purpose) it's also easy to create a summary page for the output end of things that can show current status

  • for any given account
  • for the overall organization
  • etc

@mathetes Thank you very much for getting back to me. I run an aging report twice a month and need to have rolling comments to record the collections attempts (Notes). I need to show the previous month's balance and the current. In cases where the full debt has been collected, or new customers there can be a change in the total number of people on the report. I greatly appreciate your help and advice. 



Thank you very much for getting back to me. I run an aging report twice a month and need to have rolling comments to record the collections attempts (Notes). I need to show the previous month's balance and the current. In cases where the full debt has been collected, or new customers there can be a change in the total number of people on the report. I greatly appreciate your help and advice. 


You didn't explicitly and specifically respond to any of the suggestions I made, other than to thank me..... Leaving me to wonder whether you are open to changing the way you do it? If so, you'd have to share some more information on how you proceed to collect the data. If not, that's fine. I have other things to do with my time. But if I were in your place, I'd want to have a system that made full use of Excel's abilities.

I apologize, I am open to your suggestions. I was attempting to explain the purpose and needs of the report. I run an agings report that provides me with the updated data for the selected time frame. I get an account #, customer name, and balances for 30, 60, 90, 90 plus, and total balance. I have to provide report that provides the customer name, previous balance, current balance, and collection notes that are rolling. They want to see the comments from previous and current customers months for tracking purposes. I am trying to use Excel in the best way possible.



So are you getting a printed/written report from someone else, or does it come in the form of an Excel spreadsheet? Are you providing that someone else with your output, your semi-monthly report, as a printed report or do you send them your Excel spreadsheet? Or do you have total control of the entire process? Or something else?


(I'm trying to get a comprehensive picture of the full process of which you have given us glimpses, small snapshots.)


Is it possible for you to share an anonymized (real names and other identifiers replaced by, say, Disney characters' names) copy of the actual workbook(s) involved? That would make it a LOT easier to offer a recommended approach, specifically tailored to your situation, knowing where it might fit in the bigger scheme. If it's possible, post that mockup workbook on OneDrive or GoogleDrive with a link pasted here that grants access.

Sure, I download the report from our ERP system, and provide the report to several other people semi-monthly. It is filed where others have access to it. I hope this makes sense, the columns are broken up here.
Customer Current 4/8/2023 - 5/7/2023 (30) 3/9/2023 - 4/7/2023 (60) 2/7/2023 - 3/8/2023 (90) Before 2/7/2023 (>90) May 8 Total June 8 Total Notes
ABC 87951 Dr. Swiss $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,900.00 $37,900.00 $18,000.00 5/25 emailed inv to email address removed for privacy reasons; 5/31 Tom sent payment
KING 58416 Toy Store $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33,712.50 $33,712.50 $33,712.50 Write off?
ABC 35987 Jed's Trucks $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,600.00 $15,600.00 $15,550.00 5/8/2023 resent invoices; 5/29 Rec'd $50.00
ABC 35958 Candlewick $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,210.00 $15,210.00 $15,210.00 5/23 Molly emailed company, 5/31 Joe emailed Fred
KINE 78425 Nancy Duck $0.00 $11,440.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,440.00 $11,440.00 paid 5/19/23
ABC 58712 Judy Bligh $5,892.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,892.00
Sorry -- I wasn't clear: is it possible to post an anonymized copy of the actual workbook on OneDrive or GoogleDrive with a link pasted here that grants access? And if you could provide copies (again, with real names removed) of both what you download and what you provide to several other people, that's really what I need to see.