Forum Discussion

73kruegs's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 18, 2023

Edge - Print PDF as image



Recently when Chrome/Edge moved from version 107 to 108, we started having problems printing certain PDFs in our environment when opened in the built-in PDF viewer.  After a bunch of testing and opening a call with Google, it does appear that the problem is somewhere on our end of things, but we can't pinpoint it.  


The work-around that we found was to enable the check box "Print as image" in the print dialog.  When that is selected, the print works fine.  I have enabled the Chrome policy "Print PDF as Image Available" to make the check box show on the print dialog in Chrome, but from what I can tell, there is no equivalent policy in Edge.  There is a policy labeled "Print PDF as Image Default", however, when that is enabled and I go to "edge://policy" in the browser, there is an error in the application of that setting because it doesn't have the setting available, which I assume is referring to the "Print as image" setting like what is in the Chrome policy.


One thing I tried was to add the registry "PrintPdfAsImageAvailability" in the Edge policy location but that didn't appear to do anything.


Does anyone know if there is a way to add the "Print as image" checkbox to the Edge print dialog when printing a PDF?


Eric Krueger

  • 73kruegs Hi!  If there is no PII, would you be able to provide a screenshot of edge://policy showing the error message for the PrintPdfAsImageDefault policy?  Thanks! 



    • 73kruegs's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Kelly_Y Here is the screen shot from Edge.

      This is the policy setting that I tried to apply.

      This is the policy setting that we have applied for Chrome.


      • Kelly_Y's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        73kruegs Thanks!  I'll check with the team and follow up with any insights from them.  


