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Copilot prompt history - mailbox location
This article states: Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 messages are automatically included in the retention policy location namedTeams chats and Copilot interactionsThen this article states that:Retention policies for the locationTeams chats and Copilot interactionsinclude user prompts to Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, and the Copilot responses to users.The article also mentions messages are stored in a hidden folder of an Exhange mailbox. I am trying to peek into this using MFCMAPI tool but cannot find the copilot integrations/prompts. How can I view what's there?walter-wodzienNov 16, 2024Brass Contributor967Views1like1CommentMicrosoft Places Upload Errors
I am configuring the public preview of Microsoft Places with a client and when we tried to upload the IMDF files after uploading the building/floors CSV, the following error message appeared in the shell: "Import not supported for file fixtures.geojson" We removed that file from the IMDF zip file and tried again but a different error appeared: "No levels were found correlated to directory floors for the building" When the CSV file with building and floor data was uploaded before the configuration step, I didn't add any SMTP address values in that column because they don't exist yet. When the import script finished, a few errors appeared stating that an identity wasn't found. Maybe that's part of the issue? I'm not sure what I'm missing. Anyone else made it through this step yet in the public preview?SolvedRobSotoNov 15, 2024Brass Contributor63Views0likes4CommentsKnowledge Managment in M365 after Viva Topics retirement
Hi, What is the Microsoft POV on knowledge management in M365 after the retirement of Viva Topics? I know we have Microsoft AI Content Management features to manage knowledge. But when it comes to surfacing the knowledge to end users, there is no dedicated front end like Viva Topics that auto-curate content for users. Microsoft 365 Copilot is very generic and renders global content results which impacts the quality of knowledge-related results. Building a custom Chatbot is an option but it's expensive and has its limitations.NiravnvsNov 08, 2024Copper Contributor381Views1like1CommentAG开户网址AG平台开户客服
AG开户客服微ch0098888。 如何选择正规AG网络娱乐平台?这些防骗技巧你需要了解! 近年来,网络娱乐平台的快速发展为用户提供了更多娱乐选择,但也让一些不良平台有了可乘之机。今天,我们来聊聊如何识别非正规平台,避免上当受骗。 一、选择正规平台的关键点 正规平台通常会拥有多项国际认证和第三方验证,以保障用户权益。以下几个特征可以帮助你初步判断平台的真实性: 合法认证 合规的娱乐平台通常持有知名国际认证,例如马耳他娱乐管理局、英国娱乐委员会等颁发的授权。用户可通过平台官网查看认证信息,正规平台一般会透明展示相关信息。 第三方检测 受信的平台通常会邀请独立的第三方机构(如GLI、eCOGRA)检测平台内容的公正性。这些机构对平台的技术进行审核,以保障平台的公平性。 用户口碑 查看其他用户的评价与反馈,有助于判断平台的信誉。可以在社交媒体、用户评论平台等渠道查看其他玩家的分享,有助于更全面地了解平台。 二、如何识别不正规平台的惯用套路 夸张宣传 不正规平台通常会夸大收益或打着“快速返利”的宣传口号来吸引用户注册。对于这类宣传,用户需要提高警惕,因为正规平台不会做出这些虚假承诺。 充值诱导 有些平台可能通过设置特定机制诱导用户反复充值。合理规划娱乐支出,不要轻信高回报的宣传。 不透明的取款规定 有的平台在用户取款时设置复杂的条款,甚至无故延迟。正规的娱乐平台一般会有清晰、透明的取款流程,用户在注册前可以查看这些条款内容。 三、如何保障自己的安全? 保持警觉,避免因小失大 有些平台打着“超高奖励”的口号吸引新手用户。选择时要擦亮眼睛,不要轻信优惠,谨慎注册。 分散参与 在尝试不同的平台时,避免过多投入于某个平台,选择用户反馈良好的平台,可以降低风险。 关注平台信息透明度 在选择平台时,尽量选择那些拥有清晰用户协议、隐私政策和安全保障的公司,正规平台通常会公开说明其相关条款,以保证用户的知情权。 结语 在网络娱乐平台不断增多的今天,用户不仅需要享受娱乐乐趣,还要增强辨别虚假平台的能力。通过了解平台认证、用户反馈和相关条款,可以更好地保障自身权益,避免潜在风险。 希望这篇文章能帮助大家在选择娱乐平台时多一分信心,避免掉入不正规平台的陷阱!renzhisu160Nov 04, 2024Copper Contributor62Views0likes0CommentsCan't find how to obtain Certification for Specialist Adoption program
Hello everyone, I have completed the Specialist Adoption course. Co-workers have told me that I can take an exam and obtain a certification, upon payment of 99$. It's also mentioned on the Microsoft page: (URL). Procedimientos recomendados del programa Champion: especialista en adopción de servicios | Microsoft Learn I can't find how to take the exam, pay the 99$ and obtain the certificate. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.dbarrantesOct 30, 2024Copper Contributor150Views0likes1CommentMonthly calls - not taking into consideration UTC +11
Hi it's great you've got these monthly calls, but setting aside Friday Pacific time means they're available to those of us 11 hours ahead (Australia) means they're hosted on a Saturday. Most of us don't work in the office on a Saturday ... Can you please consider hosting them on a Thursday your time so that we can catch them? This would be greatly appreciated 🙂MelF840Oct 23, 2024Copper Contributor201Views1like2Comments环球国际开户-17300435119(微同)
产品与服务优化 提升产品质量:确保腾龙公司的产品或服务具有高质量、可靠性和稳定性。不断进行产品研发和创新,提高产品的性能和功能,满足客户不断变化的需求。 提供优质的客户服务:建立完善的客户服务体系,及时响应客户的咨询和投诉,解决客户的问题。提供个性化的服务,满足客户的特殊需求,提高客户满意度和忠诚度。 定制化解决方案:根据客户的具体需求,提供定制化的产品或服务解决方案。与客户密切合作,了解他们的业务流程和需求,为他们提供量身定制的解决方案,提高客户的价值和满意度。terez40Oct 20, 2024Copper Contributor91Views0likes0CommentsAdoption Specialist Course Registration Issue
Hello All - This community identified a bug with the registration system for the Adoption Specialist course. This course on EdX will be available until December 30, 2020 and it will then transition to Microsoft Learn. Currently, no one can complete the EdX course registration. This is a bug that we are working to resolve. Thank you for your patience and your continued interest in the course. My team and I will keep you all updated here as soon as we resolve the problem! Karuana cc:Jessie_HwangSolvedKaruana_Gatimu_MSFTOct 16, 2024Community Manager7.8KViews6likes30CommentsWhat is the difference between Office 2019 and M365?
We are about to move from Office 2019 to M365 (Office) and I need to inform the organisation about the differences between the two. Are there any comparison guides that focus on the user experience rather than the subscription prices and apps available? Thank youSharyn_MayneOct 05, 2024Iron Contributor605Views1like1Comment
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