Jul 10 2023 04:02 PM
I hope someone can point me in the right direction. We have a Microsoft Account that was recently locked due to 'unusual activity'. Password needs to be changed in order to unlock it.
Problem #1 - The phone registered to the account was deactivated a couple of months ago so the verification text cannot be recieved. We checked with Verizon to see if they could temporarily reactivate but they are unable to because it's been over 50 days.
So far, Microsoft support has been completly useless and it's starting to look like recovery of this account is impossible.
Proplem #2 - This accound has a 2 year pre-paid subscription to Xbox Ultimate and HUNDREDS of games purchaed on it. "Can't be done is not a viable answer"
We've completed the "form" several times already providing the Xbox ID and other info as requsted. Response (seemingly from a chat bot) is always the same, "You did not provide enough information...."
Good God, there must be some way that a HUMAN could validate this information!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jul 17 2023 03:51 PM