Forum Discussion

SeanLyndersay-MS's avatar
Jun 15, 2019

Early preview of Microsoft Edge group policies

Update July 22nd 2019:

Hey folks,

Thanks for all the great feedback! We announced last week that Edge is now ready for Enterprise evaluations. 

You can find the latest ADMX files and MSIs/PKGs here:  

And you can find all the enterprise-focused documentation here:


There is also an Enterprise-focused section of these Insider forums which the team will be monitoring. Direct link here:


Thanks again for the great feedback and engagement. Looking forward to continuing to hear from all of you!


(Note: I have removed the ADMX zip file which was originally attached to this mail. Please see the latest versions at the links above)


Original post follows:


Hi everyone,


We've been asked fairly regularly what policies we intend to support. We're still working on the list, but I’d like to share an early preview of the management policies we are working on for the new version of Microsoft Edge.


You can find a zip file attached to this post, that includes the ADMX file, an English (US) version of the ADML file, and an English (US) HTML doc with the list of policies and descriptions.


Please note that not all of the associated policies have been implemented by current canary or dev builds!


Please send us feedback on the list, or the description text in the policies if something seems unclear.



  1. This is a work in progress. We are sharing this early draft with you for your feedback, but the list will change between now and our final release, with policies being added, removed or changed based on feedback.
  2. The HTML file includes both Mac and Windows policies.
  3. Policies for managing updates aren’t included; those will be in a separate administrative template file.
  4. These are only in English (US). We are working to localize the policy descriptions and documentation before our final release.


Please let us know if there are policies missing from the list, and give us feedback on the policy design.


Thanks for your interest!


Sean, on behalf of the Microsoft Edge team


  • Brian Altman's avatar
    Brian Altman
    Jul 11, 2019

    Ruud van Velsen The policy wasn't ready when Sean shared the administrative template zip file. It will be in the next version we share.
