Forum Discussion

Mohammed Hamada's avatar
Mohammed Hamada
Brass Contributor
May 02, 2020

Azure WVD I am unable to convert userprofile using frx.exe

Dear all,


I am doing a migration of an on-premises user's profile to VHD using FRX.exe command line but constantly getting an error


"Exit code 9: The system cannot write to the specified device" 


I checked the code explanation is "There was an error creating the VHD/X file." but nothing else is mentioned!


The user has administrative writes to the disk. so I am lost what is wrong in here? 


  • crickertcit's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Mohammed Hamada 


    I'm having same issues with Win10 build 1903 and 1909


    I've done a lot of research on this. Still having same issues. two out of 8 profiles have migrated. Most have not.


    Is there a way to check robocopy logging?



    • crickertcit's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Found the issue by turning on robocopy logging via registry entry


      Registry Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Logging


      RobocopyLogPathREG_SZSpecifies a log file name and path where the output of robocopy calls (for example, during mirroring of data in or out of a VHD) will be logged. If the value is non-existent, then the robocopy results are not logged at all. This setting is recommended to be used only for troubleshooting.


      I set a reg key above to a basic path string of C:\temp\fslogixrobocopy.txt

      This really helped isolate the issue


      Ended up that robocopy was erroring out on a file in: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache


      I deleted the offending file in the localcache of that app and was successful in the copy-profile after that.



      • RussellSUK's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        crickertcit MASSIVE upvote on this logging suggestion


        In my instance it was the windows Search on Server 2019 RD


        The well documented shenanigans that is Windows 2019 search, vs Outlook search, vs Exchange....


        User had a search database in %appdata%\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\<User SID> folder

        The issue was Windows Search was holding onto the files with a vice like grip.

        Restarted Windows Search Service on RD server, deleted the contents of the folder and the profile migrated successfully!

  • Lewis-H's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    1. Find the location and name of the user you want to move

    This example uses a current user named: Bob



    2. Open an Administrator command prompt

    Navigate into the FSLogix Apps directory

    cd C:\Program Files\FSLogix\Apps


    Pull up the copy-profile command

    frx copy-profile




    3. Build your command string

    Choose the parameters that apply to your situation, in this example we are going to:

    Give the output path for our vhd(x) -filename C:\Profile.vhd(x)
    Enter in which user to copy -username Domain\Username
    Specify the size of the disk with -size-mbs 10000
    Make the disk grow as needed -dynamic 1


    4. Perform the conversion

    frx copy-profile -filename C:\Users\Bob.vhdx -username Bob -dynamic 1 -size-mbs 10000

    After the process in finished, a clone of your user Bob account should be in a container under C:\Users\Bob.vhdx




    It is possible that you may run into some errors when using and creating Profile Containers.


    (0x00000001D): the system cannot write to the specified device.

    This problem arises when you are attempting to migrate an existing user account to a profile container (vhd).


    Delete the following directory and all its contents. Re-running your command should result in a success.



    (0x00000005): Access denied

    This problem arises when you are attempting to migrate an existing user account without administrator permissions


    You have to run the command using an administrator command prompt.

    If you still have issue you can visit the below link for more help.


    • Mohammed Hamada's avatar
      Mohammed Hamada
      Brass Contributor

      Hi Lewis, I already have used this command multiple times but still keep on getting the same error. In the path you mentioned I couldn't find any trace of a FrxMount file or folder. 

      the User I am using is a local admin so not a permission issue. Lewis-H 

      • SQLTemp's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        did you have any luck fixing this?
