Teams is still a disaster with the macOS client

Teams is still a disaster with the macOS client



 Apr 18 2022
2 Comments (2 New)

I've tried everything -- and been patient. But Teams in AVD with the macOS client (beta or GA) is stil a disaster. Please don't tell me it's "the network." At my end: fiber. At the AVD end: a global backbone of impressive size, based on Equinix meet-me points.


I can't use video -- I can't even share a static desktop without artifacts in the latter and disaster in the former.


When is this product group going to take macOS AVD users seriously?


We are sorry you are running into issues. To discuss issues we recommend to share your problem on our Tech Community forum ( or open a support ticket after you have reviewed the troubleshooting options in our documentation (Windows Virtual Desktop troubleshooting overview - Azure | Microsoft Docs)


We recommend to review our troubleshooting section first. The other option you have is to open a support ticket through the Azure Portal.

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