Hello. My first time on the forum. Hopefully someone with more skill than I can help me. MY GOAL: Update "multiple* tables with an unbound form. I thought that the following code would work, but at a dead end.
CurrentDb.Execute ("UPDATE Participant Registration List (Academy Cohort Number, #Cohort Start Date#, Agency Names, Seats Allocated, Employee ID Number, Employee Last Name, " & _
"Employee HR title, Email Address, Phone Number, LOS City, Time In HR, Group)
VALUES ('" & Me.ACADEMY_COHORT_NUMBER - 1 & "', '#" & Me.COHORT_START_DATE - 2 & "#', " &_
"'" & Me.AGENCY_NAMES - 3 & "', '" & Me.SEATS_ALLOCATED - 4 & "', '" & Me.[EMPLOYEE ID NUMBER-5] & "', '" & Me.EMPLOYEE_LAST_NAME - 6 & "', '" & Me.EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME - 7 & "', '" & Me.EMPLOYEE_HR_TITLE - 8 & "', " & _
"'" & Me.EMAIL_ADDRESS - 9 & "', '" & Me.PHONE_NUMBER - 10 & "', '" & Me.LOS_CITY - 11 & "', '" & Me.TIME_IN_HR - 12 & "', '" & Me.GROUP - 13 & "'")
MsgBox "Updated Successfully..."
Can someone please tell me where I'm going wrong?