Forum Discussion
Feb 21, 2020Copper Contributor
Ms Access different results from same query on different pc's
I have developed an Access 2016 application with an insert query from VBA. This insert query is reliant on a select query for input. The functionality works correctly on my pc, but the select quer...
- Feb 26, 2020
Gertdj And where are the positioned? It could be decimals normally having a dot, now a comma as the decimal separator. Always convert decimals to text with Str:
TextValue = Str(DecimalValue)
Brass Contributor
Gertdj How about posting the query?
Feb 23, 2020Copper Contributor
Y detalles de versiones de las dos maquinas... Pero empezar viendo esa consulta... Parece ser un buen primer paso.... (Mi respuesta es solo suposición, incluyendo supuestamente que la cons. está correcta....)