Dec 28 2022 07:34 PM
In VBA, how do you differentiate between a record that is inserted by the user vs. appended in a form? I have some cached fields in a record that I would like to clear when a record is appended.
Dec 28 2022 08:13 PM
Dec 28 2022 09:20 PM
You'll have to add some sort of additional information to each record to identify the source. Perhaps a required field that users complete one way or the other.
But there's a more interesting question not addressed here.
How is it possible that a user inserts a record into a table without doing so through a form? Are your users actually opening tables directly in datasheet view to add new records? If not, what does the difference entail?
And, as Arnel suggested, in practical terms, "Insert" and "Append" are the same thing, so perhaps that's part of the clarification needed to get a good suggestion for you.
Dec 28 2022 09:42 PM
Dec 29 2022 05:40 AM
I see, the user can copy/paste values into the fields in the form. I assume, then, it's a form in datasheet view?
This may be more of a training issue than a processing issue, in that case.
I know of no practical way to determine how a new value or set of values was entered into the controls on a form.