New notification options in latest Edge Canary


There is a new flag added called

Quieter notification permission prompts

Enables quieter permission prompts for notification permission requests. When a site wishes to show notifications, the usual modal dialog is replaced with a quieter version. – Mac, Windows


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To use flags, enter this into your Edge insider address bar: edge://flags/


you could test it on websites like this


  • so basically, the default and enabled options show notifications like this




  • Force static icon option shows notifications like this (little bell at the end of the omnibos/address bar)


force static icon.png


  • force animated icon option shows notifications like this (at first there is little bell icon with text but then the text disappears with animation and only bell icon will be there)


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I think these are nice options that are pretty useful when websites use annoying constant notification spams.

hopefully after some time, these options will be added to the settings page


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