PaulGMVP's avatar
Steel Contributor
Mar 04, 2020
In progress

Mobile Print on mobile clients (iOS , Android)

Please enable universal printing available on mobile clients so business users are able to print directly from phone or tablet.
  • Sean_Crago's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Negating the benefit of Universal Print, keeping us in the state of being dependent on and trusting printer specific apps and services.


    Btw, Google Cloud Print is deprecated, and competitors like PrinterLogic, PaperCut, and Lexmark's do offer more robust and generic "one app for all your printers" experiences.


    If/When Microsoft does the lift to make those features a fully integrated part of InTune, that will allow them to make the sales pitch of Microsoft Universal Print being truly universal for anything they have their MDM hooks into.


    In the meantime, though, enterprises that use Universal Print need a basic print button in the iOS and Android mobile apps to plug the gap between them and the mobile web user experience.


    But yeah, the end goal should be true universality for Universal Print on all UEM-managed devices.

  • I also would like to give an upvote for the ability to use Universal printing from the Office mobile apps.

  • Louis Simonetti's avatar
    Louis Simonetti
    Copper Contributor

    Any update on this?  would be nice if something call *universal print* was universal

  • kadadm's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    is it known whether microsoft is working on this idea of making mobile printing available for iOS and Android?

  • Joe Wichowski's avatar
    Joe Wichowski
    Copper Contributor

    Satya says "mobile first / cloud first".  Stop going part-way.  Make it happen...   HP has done it for about 10 years

  • joshcorne's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This would certainly help our multi-platform company who use tablets and phones for work and are managed through Intune.

  • jcrump's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Commenting to keep track of progress for this.