W__ei's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 09, 2024

ipados rd client hijacks keyboard shortcut

as good as it supports hardware acceleration, the keyboard shortcut hijack is atrocious. all win key is hijacked to achieve some uninvited cmd-a c v x t thing in windows.


as a result almost all win key shortcuts now don't work! to make it worse, even regular shortcut and single key doesn't work like other app, it can be easily tested in blender, rendering the app completely useless.


also for who know what reason, even on keyboard that have pageup pagedown home end key, you need some very creative shortcut to achieve it, again, not an issue in other third party client.


the worst part is, after wreaking all the havoc, one would expect it hijack ios shortcut as well, but it doesn't! if you press ctrl + space, that ios keyboard pops up revealing the now changed language.


can't you just send the key as is?

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