mmorgenstern's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 01, 2024

Bug with profile picture on AVD / Windows 11 Multi-User

My organization has seen multiple occurrences where a different user's profile picture/icon is shown besides their own. This has been seen in the OS under Start (lower left corner) as well as in Settings -> Accounts. No issues have been seen with Teams or Outlook only the profile picture shown within the OS. Have not seen anything similar with our on-premise Citrix machines. Not a high priority issue obviously but would like to raise awareness. If anyone has ideas, please let me know what information I can gather to start troubleshooting! Thank you. 

  • denis89's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Why is it even closed, if the bug still exists? 
    Did anyone get any answer from Microsoft what causes the issue?

    • mmorgenstern's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I never received a resolution. Not sure why it was closed.

  • DaveTheG's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Hi, we got this issue too! 


    If a user changes their icon in the start menu, the profile picture is changed to the same for all users who are logged in to the same Windows 11 multi session + FSLogix session host. Fortunately, this doesn't happen in Teams / Outlook!

    This is a bug with MultiSession + Fslogix. Does anyone have any news on whether MS will fix the bug?

  • Has anyone found solution on this issue. I am facing the similar issue. Is it FSLogix or AD causing the issue?


    • Mav147's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi there, no luck so far. I have had a case with Microsoft support since end of October but barely any suggestions from them at all. They suggested we disable FSLogix to see, but we can't do that across our estate without significantly disrupting users. So I tried just disabling it for my own account but still see similar issues sometimes (the error is very intermittent for our users but still occurring).

  • Mav147's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Same issue at our org too, Win11 AVDs with FSLogix (unclear if fslogix plays any part). MS support very slow to even understand my report so far

  • Mav147's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Same issue on our estate too, can't find a clear way to reproduce yet, just reports from users