Can Microsoft talk to the detailed plans for making the desktop Applications of Office, and OneDrive (and Sharepoint for those can care/can-arord-it).
The current level of support for doing common B2B collaborative efforts using Microsoft Office 365 applications is frankly TERRIBLE, off-scale BAD, as in "NOT WORKING", does not work, never works, totally broken product. These are things like having the desktop Word actually perform properly when editing shared documents on OneDrive, instead of crashing ALL THE TIME, or when not crashing, just performing so poorly as to be unusable (5 second, 10 second, 30 second, 5 minutes, 30 MINUTES, 1 hour delays in processing in the tool, when it doesn't hang, or freeze) is COMMON place on documents of even moderate complexity. When will these age-old tools (desktop WORD, OneDrive, Sharepoint) be FIXED, to work properly?
If if the answer is NEVER..... When will the ONLINE tool version have their functionality catch up to match what is available in the desktop WORD versions.
Things like:
Change Tracking
Version Comparison
Custom Type creation
Navigation Pain (not in the online product, at all)
e.g, if you are not going to make the desktop applications work properly for sharing, then WHEN are you going to make the ONLINE apps capable of doing the things that the desktop applications have been able to do for 20 years. (NOT Kidding, 20 years.) The online tools (10 years into the effort) do not have massive pieces of the Word functionality. (Other apps similarly miss all the "complex and complicated" functionality.) Sure, the basic, 1-sheet 2-sheet stuff all works, and I say.... WHO CARES. We need this stuff to work for BUSINESS. In technology BUSINESS, that means SPECIFICATIONS (LARGE, COMPLEX WORD DOCUMENTS) shared and collaborated on.
NONE of Microsoft's offerings appear to work for that process, and I want to know when they will, hopefully before the END OF TIMES.