Forum Discussion
Words are joining together
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much prompt reply. Please find the two versions of the document. Version 1 (before sticking of words) and Version 2 (after sticking of words). Please see page number 4 onward, I have highlighted the problematic portions for your reference.
Version 1
Version 2
Thanks and regards
SurajitM I assume that the issue occurs as a result of the edits made by one particular author. If that is the case:
- In what version of Office was the document created to be sent to that author?
- What version of Office is that author using?
- Is the Version 1 document. the document that was sent to that author?
- Is the Version 2 document, the document as returned by that author, or is it an amalgamation of the edits by multiple users?
Even then, I am not sure if it will be possible to determine what has caused the problem.
However, if you check the spelling in the document, (F7), the words that are joined together will be underlined with a red "squigly" line as indicated below
- SurajitMSep 19, 2022Copper Contributor
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your try. Actually, the document is the amalgamation of edits from multiple users. The users are usually using office 365, office 2007 or office 2010. The problem is not author- or system-specific, and any author using a lower (older) version is causing the problem after their edits. Editing in the same office version by multiple authors (in multiple systems) is not having any problem.
Yes, the grammar can be checked manually but checking 40-50 pages document is sometimes very difficult and cumbersome (as has to be repeated after every edit). Moreover, those silly mistakes are not taken well by editors of journals and they feel authors are negligent and are not serious enough.