Forum Discussion

UCTQYAV's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 01, 2022

VBA issue

I have a VBA code and instructions on how to add this into word. The code will take the comments from the word document and add them into a new excel sheet. Whenever I run the code I get the error message Compile error: Sub or function not defined and highlighted in yellow is: Private Sub Document_New()


This is at the end of the code. I have no experience with VBA or codes and would just like to know if there is an easy way for this to be sorted, thanks!

Edited, code aded in below:


Sub ExportComments()



'Dim xlApp As Excel.Application

'Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook

Dim i As Integer, HeadingRow As Integer

Dim objPara As Paragraph

Dim objComment As Comment

Dim strSection As String

Dim strTemp

Dim myRange As Range


Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xlApp.Visible = True

Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add 'create a new workbook

With xlWB.Worksheets(1)

' Create Heading

HeadingRow = 1

.Cells(HeadingRow, 1).Formula = "Comment"

.Cells(HeadingRow, 2).Formula = "Page"

.Cells(HeadingRow, 3).Formula = "Paragraph"

.Cells(HeadingRow, 4).Formula = "Comment"

.Cells(HeadingRow, 5).Formula = "Reviewer"

.Cells(HeadingRow, 6).Formula = "Date"

strSection = "preamble" 'all sections before "1." will be labeled as "preamble"

strTemp = "preamble"

If ActiveDocument.Comments.Count = 0 Then

     .Cells(2, 1).Value = "No comments found"

     MsgBox ("No comments")

     Exit Sub

End If

For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Comments.Count

     Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Scope

     strSection = ParentLevel(myRange.Paragraphs(1)) ' find the section heading for this comment

     'MsgBox strSection

     .Cells(i + HeadingRow, 1).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Index

     .Cells(i + HeadingRow, 2).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Reference.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)

     .Cells(i + HeadingRow, 3).Value = strSection

     .Cells(i + HeadingRow, 4).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Range

     .Cells(i + HeadingRow, 5).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Initial

     .Cells(i + HeadingRow, 6).Formula = Format(ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Date, "dd/MM/yyyy")

     .Cells(i + HeadingRow, 7).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Range.ListFormat.ListString

Next i

.Cells(i + HeadingRow, 1).Value = "DONE"

End With

Set xlWB = Nothing

Set xlApp = Nothing

End Sub


Function ParentLevel(Para As Word.Paragraph) As String

' Finds the first outlined numbered paragraph above the given paragraph object

Dim ParaAbove As Word.Paragraph

Set ParaAbove = Para

sStyle = Para.Range.ParagraphStyle

sStyle = Left(sStyle, 4)

If sStyle = "Head" Then

     GoTo Skip

End If

Do While ParaAbove.OutlineLevel = Para.OutlineLevel

     Set ParaAbove = ParaAbove.Previous



strTitle = ParaAbove.Range.Text

strTitle = Left(strTitle, Len(strTitle) - 1)

ParentLevel = ParaAbove.Range.ListFormat.ListString & " " & strTitle

End Function


Private Sub Document_New()


End Sub
