Forum Discussion

lb483's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 29, 2023

TC field code and TOC order

I have a document similar to the following:

{ TC "Level 1" \l 1 }{ TC "Level 2" \l 2 }Level 3          <-- style name = "myHeader"


TOC definition is:

{ TOC \f \h \z \t "myHeader,3" }


However, the TOC is appearing as:

        Level 3

Level 1

    Level 2


The only way I've found to get around this is:

{ TC "Level 1" \l 1 }{ TC "Level 2" \l 2 }          <-- the return at the end of this paragraph has to be hidden to avoid an empty line displaying before the "myHeader" paragraph

Level 3          <-- style name = "myHeader"


Is there a *proper* way to use the TC field in combination with a header so that the TOC entries appear in the right order? If not, is there a way to use my solution without having to manually hide the return at the end of the paragraph?



  • lb483 if, in the body of the document, you want all of the entries, that you want to appear in the Table of Contents, on a single line (which would be unusual to say the least), you need to have a Style Separator (CTRL+ALT+ENTER) between each of the entries.


      • lb483 if, in the body of the document, you want all of the entries, that you want to appear in the Table of Contents, on a single line (which would be unusual to say the least), you need to have a Style Separator (CTRL+ALT+ENTER) between each of the entries.

